It all started with a 12 year boy who wanted to build a skateboard ramp. He had no concept of building nor construction, but what he had was a drive and a motivation to create something no one had at that time. He rode his bike to the local family owned hardware store and bought 3 2x4's at a time for $.99 each because that's all he could carry on his handle bars of his bicycle. He took them home and began construction of what he perceived at the time as an avenue to become a Pro-skater, but the skills he learned building those ramps would some day take him a lot further in life than his board. As he grew older a Drivers License took the place of the Skateboard and with the purchase of an 86 Oldsmobile Cutlass and a few tools he had acquired thru the years, he began his journey into Carpentry work. From a Cutlass to an Astro van he continued with the skills he learned from building ramps. One job at a time learning and progressing forward, until he was lucky enough one day to learn to build cabinets, that's when he knew what his calling was. And from that day forward he constantly thrived to be one of the best wood wrights known, one that people still admire his work and creativity far beyond his life.
I'm still alive and still thriving to be the BEST!